Before this week, I last posted here on March 20, 2020.

At that point, I had been considering making a change for awhile. Social media, even social media with the constraints has, had become an addiction for me. I was posting to see if I could get responses and gain influence, not for fun.

When COVID first shut down the world and consumed every conversation online, I found myself not wanting to weigh in on something for the first time in my life. It pushed me to finally shut down my blog and just be quiet online for a long time.

Nearly 3 years later, I’m in a better place. I continued working remotely even as many offices reopened, and I don’t get water cooler conversations anymore. So I view my blog and the community as a chance to talk about tv shows I love, my newest pen, or the latest announcement from Apple. Not a place to feed my ego.

Blogging again is also scratching the nerd itch that I have let languish, and giving me tech things to play with. My old Drafts actions I wrote years ago still work (though I will need to rebuild a Shortcut I deleted). I think it will be fun to dive back into those hobbies over the coming weeks.

I’ve only been back for 48 hours or so, but I’m having fun again online. And that’s a big deal.